Friday, August 24, 2007

Prelude To a Faerytale: Eden Revisited

Eden Revisited: Age of Innocence- chapter 1

Meet Lilith and Micha-El Genesis. Two Faerykin born in the quiet aftermath of God's disappointment. When last we saw them, they had turned their backs on evil, and earned the right to be the Keepers of the Garden of Eden.

It is now left to them to inhabit the Garden of Eden, and fulfill their duty to God, and the plan He had envisioned for Adam and Eve.

They spent much time together tending the Garden, but all was not work. They played often and grew closer together. God watched the enchantment flow between them, and He smiled.

There was no shame in the Garden, and they shared everything. And as even more time passed, Micha-El found himself thinking of Lilith all the time. And he wondered if there might be more....

Micha-El found that he was drawn to Lilith, and his gaze followed her constantly. He took every opportunity to speak with her, and touch her. He could not seem to help himself. She consumed his every thought.

Not long after that, Micha-El caught Lilith by surprise, and pulled her frame into his. And without thinking...he tasted of her for the very first time.

Lilith, overwhelmed by the emotion and desire coursing through her, pulled back from him ready to flee.

But Micha-El forestalled her flight and soothed her. Lilith buried her face in his shoulder and could not look at him. She didn't understand that the same desire was flowing through him also. And that it was what had prompted his kiss.

God witnessed this, and saw that their innocence had been shaken. So He disguised Himself as an old man of the forest, and entered the Garden to speak with them.

And they were not afraid. Lilith and Micha-El grew closer to God as they talked. And He shared with them what He expected of them. Only this time He did not demand. He asked it of them.

God sat there for a long time after they had gone to rest, allowing Himself to wonder for the very first time. Would they do as He asked? He could have easily looked forward through time to find the answer...but found within Himself a new curiousity. And He decided to let things unfold as they would.

And as they rested, they dreamed. Lilith of all that God had asked of them.....And Micha-El, of Lilith.

When they awoke, Lilith saw Micha-El in a whole new way. She knew she had much to consider, for the future of the Faerykin lay within her. She didn't know what she would do.

Micha-El confessed his feelings to her, and Lilith knew in her heart she felt the same way....but she needed time. This was a big thing that God had asked of them. She wanted to do as God asked, but was frightened by the enormous responsibility.

Lilth began to take long walks by herself. And as she walked, she talked to God. Asking Him for the courage to surrender, begging Him for the answers to her questions. But God remained silent.

Micha-El grew impatient with Lilith's reluctance and confronted her. And Lilith having received no answers from God, turned to Micha-El for comfort, and shared her fears and concerns. She confessed that her thoughts were always on him, and then she asked him for guidance. Micha-El, being the more impulsive of the two of them, stood in thought for a moment.......

and swept her into his arms and kissed her so deeply that she had no choice but to respond to him. And in that kiss, Lilith forgot all of her fears and concerns....and knew that to surrender to God, and to Micha-El was all that her heart desired.

Micha-El immediately offered everything he had ever been, everything he was, and everything he would become, to her.....before God and all the Heavens. And when he surrendered to Lilith......

Lilith found the courage and the strength to surrender to God and to Micha-El .

Lilith and Micha-El bound themselves to each other in Perfect Love and in Perfect Trust. And the Angels wept once more.....This time in Joy. Their tears fell upon the two young Faerykin, and magick became. It surrounded them and imbued itself deep within their souls.

God heard the Angels weeping, and when He looked once more.....He was pleased. All that He had created WAS good......And with the dawning of His smile, the sun burst forth upon the Garden once again.

Micha-El led Lilith back to their flowery haven, and before God and all of nature, they consumated their Joining.

Well.........Almost.......Let's give them a little privacy.....and see what happens when we return.....

I want to thank all of the custom creators for their wonderful and beautiful content. Without it, I would not have been able to make this story. I hope you liked this part too. Stay tuned.......


Anonymous said...

A very interesting beginning. Looking forward to seeing where this story takes us.

S@n said...

I cant wait for next chapter, i loved the garden, so beautiful! and finally i could see the pictures:D good thing there's no darkness!

:D you did a great job as always:D

chardonnay said...

Aislinn: Thank you! I am glad you are enjoying this. I have 2 more parts to put up.....

Sandy: My #1 Fan. Your comments always make my day!!!! I am so glad you are enjoying this. I really tried to make the Garden look natural, and I had so much fun doing it too!!!!

And yeah, Now there's light....;P

you have to remember, my pc wasn't very good when I made this...and now I am back on the same computer....sigh.....

thewynd said...

You did a great job of making the garden look natural. This is such a sweet, loving story.

Really enjoying this.

Lorianne said...

Another great chapter!!! I can't wait to read more to see what happens. Such a beautiful story - and it does bring out beautifull all the innocence that was before time began

chardonnay said...

Again Thanks Lorianne!

I realy wanted to stress that part, the innocence, because I imagine that's how it was supposed to be. Before a certain someone butted in....LOL!!!!

Astral Faery said...

Ooh - there is more. I didn't see the follow-ups before, but now I can't wait to read them.

I love the shot of God in the hotsprings with the faeries - too cute!

chardonnay said...

Thanks!! I am sooo glad you are enjoying these!!

This was my first sim story!

I first published it on TSR.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how pretty! This was so sweet! Beautiful colorful Garden, and beautiful characters! Very sweet story! :D

chardonnay said...

Thanks again!!! I have come so far since this story. I am so glad you are enjoying it!!!

About Me

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Hi! My name is Melissa. And I am a Domestic Dictator. I rule my household with determination and sheer grit. And if you believe that, then I've got a bridge to sell you. Somewhere. And if you give me enough time, I'll figure out where. If I had to really describe myself, then I am at a loss for words. But I shall try. I would say I am a very creative person, with a sometimes big mouth, and a quick, and weird sense of humor. I like to write. I have written poetry, and stories. Some of these stories are based on the Sims2 Game.
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